Big Slimdown Challenge 2022
Open to Serving and Retired Hantspol Staff, Colleagues and Partners
The challenge is back. In previous years our weight loss challenge has been popular with teams of staff working together to shed some excess baggage, however the first lockdown caused our last challenge to end prematurely. After the last 20 months, many of us have suffered with gaining some unwanted poundage, therefore this post festive period will no doubt be crunch time for many!
This time we are opening this challenge up to both individuals and teams to enter for both serving and retired staff with colleagues and partners. It is very easy to get involved with; Just complete the registration form below with an initial weigh-in below anytime between 14th and midnight on Sunday 23rd January and again weigh-out anytime between March 15th and April 22nd 2022. This gives our challengers around 15 weeks to make some positive changes towards a downsized 2022 and beyond.
Team work can be great with these challenges with members supporting each other to make changes, however for some going it alone with a firm target to reach can work equally as well. You can even add a charity sponsorship to your challenge if you want and get friends and colleagues to stump up some cash towards a good cause for every kg you lose, either singularly or as a group.
We always make it clear that we do not want any mad crash dieting, but sensible plans to make long lasting changes either by a recognised weight reduction programme or by just cutting back on the things that you know you shouldn't really be eating.
Important - This is a bit of fun, however committing to such a challenge can reap some real benefits and has done in previous years, with some individuals losing anything up to 18% of overall body weight during the challenge period. Providing you have made changes that are sustainable, there is no reason why losses cannot be kept off. This is designed as a start or stepping stone to getting going and be a loser for the right reasons!
Throughout the challenge period HPLS will keep in touch with useful info and updates.
We will of course have a both a 'King or Queen individual loser' and a 'Champion Team of losers' at the end, although the real winners will be anyone who manages to make changes for the better and loses any unwanted bulk, which we all know can have all sorts of health benefits.
We don't publish any start and finish weights, only any overall % losses. If individual challengers or team members want to remain incognito that is fine.
There are some small prizes for the winners and any others that do well, but nothing that will tempt anyone to be less than honest with their weight recording! To do otherwise and you will only be cheating yourself.
HPLS will support this challenge with providing a small subsidy for members to sign up to any recognised diet plan, fitness class, Conqueror virtual challenge e.g. Land End to John O'Groats walk or alternatively to purchase a fitness tracker should you not have one. More details below on this.
Just a few rules to keep good order;
Teams consist of between 2 and 8 participants. Any more and you can split into more teams
Each team entry must have a person responsible for monitoring and reporting
The weigh-in should be in lightweight clothes, no shoes, empty pockets
Weights are recorded by taking a photo of the sales showing clear reading and submitting in confidence.
Team members can use their own scales at home witnessed by their partner or friend
Team weigh-in images are included on the form by the team captain who should validate each recording is from that team member, but does not have to personally witness it
Individuals should have a friend / partner to witness the weight recording
Only two submissions are made, the initial registration and final weigh-in
Weight loss is calculated as a total % lost by the individual or team overall - We supply the tool to use
Weight is measured in metric kg only - same scales for both weigh-ins
All participants who start in a team must also finish to qualify as official winners
Other teams that lose an individual can carry on of course
Record all information accurately! Remember our code of ethics :-)
No mad crash diets! Sensible changes to improve your health
Any existing health issues? Please seek medical advice before entering
If you would like some support with a diet plan, fitness class or a fitness tracker click HERE
Any questions? Please email
Initial 'Big Slimdown 2022' registration form can be found HERE - Submit between 14th & 21st January once you have done your initial weigh-in.
Lets get losing!