Team Building Days

HPLS recognise the value of our teams getting involved together in activities outside of the work and also where individuals or a group just want to do something challenging and outside the 'norm' or environment and we would like to support these activities wherever we can.
The definition of what a 'Team Building' event is may be a subjective matter, however we draw a clear distinction between what is obviously a social gathering event and conversely where an event can be seen to have the added value of improved relationships or team development. Team building is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within teams, often involving collaborative or competitive tasks and activities. Activities such as go kart racing, escape rooms, paintball, 5-a-side football would all fall within team building as examples.
What is a 'Team Challenge' may also differ from person to person, however such activities might include a 'Tough Mudder' type race, 3 Peaks Challenge, walking the South Downs Way, escape room or similar things. These need to be special events that you will either be pushed beyond your normal boundaries or do something completely different as a group. If in doubt please just ask us.
Therefore some activities may fall within both terms, however if you are in doubt about the activity you are planning, get in touch with us.
If you are planning to organise such an event HPLS may be able to provide some support for this. Please complete the request form HERE in which you will need to provide a full list of those attending. This is now a 2 part application and confirmation process.
Part 2 Confirmation form is HERE.
Any subsidy will be aimed at reducing the cost of the activity cost excluding food costs. We may be able to help with travel costs as well including the use of a mini bus or people carrier.
In most cases where we are supporting an event as a club support and authorised event, we ask that all members of the team are subscribing members of HPLS. This allows us to support it and ensures that public liability is covered under our policy, which is particularly important where any event carries any element of risk of injury.
The Police Club Trust Fund will consider subsidies for 'purely social events' and will not normally fund team building events and challenges. This is an agreed policy between HPLS and the Trust to manage the many requests for funding and maintain some clarity between different types of activity.
Any questions please ask by email to