HPLS Lottery
Want to join the lottery?
The HPLS Lottery is paying out big cash prizes of over £12,000 every month to both serving and retired staff. It is easy to join up for as low as 92p per week equivalent and no need to check any tickets as we notify all winners personally after each draw.
Currently only Hantspol payroll or retired pensioned staff can apply to play the Lottery. Externally paid contracted staff are not able to apply at this time.
Click the link HERE.
Note - The access password is shown on all HPLS members new emails, therefore looking back to those may save time in accessing the page, if not then please request below.
Access to our external lottery pages is password protected. If you are a serving or retired member of Hantspol staff, you can request the password HERE.
As soon as we have checked your name against our records, we will send you the access password. Please bear with us while we do this.
If already in the lottery and would like to increase your stakes , just click HERE.
These requirements are to ensure compliance under GDPR data protection regulations. HPLS Lottery is compliant and run in accordance with the Gambling Act 2005.
Lottery FAQ's can be found HERE.
Thank you